Business Development Fellowship Program

Grow new career paths with MBA-level coursework and networking This program offers hands-on experience in developing the skills for a career in industry or to create new business ventures.

The Business Development Fellowship program offers UC Davis graduate students, Ph.D. candidates and postdoctoral researchers in all disciplines hands-on experience in developing the business and entrepreneurship skills needed for a career in industry or to create new business ventures. This program will help you:

About Us

Become an Aggie Innovator

At the Mike and Renee Child Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, we believe that UC Davis students, faculty and staff have a responsibility to change the world.

And that we have a responsibility—and the tools, knowledge and expertise—to help you do just that.

We help researchers find a path to commercialization—and help students develop the entrepreneurial mindset needed to solve our world’s challenging social and economic problems.