Sambhav Agarwal

  • EQUIP Scholar
Sambhav Agarwal is a first-year student majoring in computer science. With a strong passion for innovating in the realm of sustainability and efficiency, he is deeply interested in coding and the startup world, with aspirations of launching his own tech-driven venture.

Allie Chung

  • EQUIP Scholar
Allie Chung is a first-year undergraduate student pursuing a major in computer science. She is interested in pursuing a career in software development.

Charlton Gunn

  • EQUIP Scholar
Charlton Gunn is an exchange student from Adelaide, Australia. He has completed a degree in commerce (majoring in corporate finance) and is currently in his final year studying law. HIs professional interests include entrepreneurship, business and private equity, and Charlton has two businesses in Adelaide (a car rental business and an Airbnb management business)

Samarth Hiremath

  • EQUIP Scholar
Samarth Hiremath is a first-year student majoring in computer science and minoring in technology management. He is driven by a passion for technology and business.

Nathan Jewell

  • EQUIP Scholar
Nathan Jewell is a fourth-year biomedical engineering major. His main professional interests lie in the field of synthetic biology and cell and tissue engineering, in particular on the wet-lab side of biomedical engineering.

Sukhman Kahlon

  • EQUIP Scholar
Sukhman (Suki) Kahlon is a third-year electrical engineering major at UC Davis. She is passionate about digital and physical electronics.

Ejnar Knudsen

  • Business Partner
  • Founder/CEO, AGR Partners
Ejnar Knudsen and AGR Partners sponsor the Big Bang’s Food + Agriculture Sector Award, along with the Gowan Co. The $10,000 award recognizes innovations in food and agriculture. Knudsen is founder and CEO of AGR Partners, and oversees the company’s investment strategy, providing capital to cultivate long-term growth in leading food and agribusiness companies.

Hanna Koster

In her current role, Hanna researches novel nanomaterials for targeted cancer diagnostics using extracellular vesicles and Raman spectroscopy, and she is the current president of the Biomedical Engineering Student Organization(BESA) and sits on multiple departmental committees.

Pam Marrone

  • Business Partner
  • Founder and CEO, Marrone Bio Innovations
Marrone Bio Innovations (MBI) is co-sponsoring the 2020 Big Bang! Business Competition’s First Place Award, given to the top innovation across all categories. Pam Marrone founded MBI in 2006 to discover and develop effective and environmentally responsible, biologically based products for pest management and plant health. In August 2013 she led the company IPO on the NASDAQ stock exchange.

Suvan Sudan

  • EQUIP Scholar
Suvan Sudan is a third-year international student majoring in mechanical engineering. He has a strong interest in visualization and the creative design process.